Easter Fabric Eggs (Sewn)

Let’s get started making these easy Easter Fabric Eggs. You will need different fabrics and the egg template.

Print the template.


Cut 4 pieces of the same fabric.

Make sure to iron out any wrinkles.

I like to set up a little station of all the templates already to go next to my sewing machine.

Beginning sewing each piece following the curve and keep 1/4” seam allowance. Follow thru all the 4 pieces, make sure to leave an opening on the last side so you can stuff up the egg ;)

This is what they will look like once they are ready to be stuffed.

Now they are ready to be sewn using an invisible stitch, I love using these wonderful threads 100% Egyptian cotton, they are silky and glide thru like butter. (I must confess it took me many tries to getting this stitch to look good, and Im still working on it ;). )

All set to sew them up..

This definitely helped me practice my invisible stitch (which is a little hard for me I must confess).

Happy Easter!
